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Intraoral Camera

Aug. 21, 2024



The oral cavity is a very important structure in the human body. With the continuous updating of medical equipment, intraoral cameras are increasingly used in major hospitals and clinics. Intraoral cameras are specially constructed camera lenses that can be inserted into the oral cavity to display clear and magnified images on a computer or TV screen. With the help of the camera system, dentists can better detect lesions on soft and hard tissues. It can also allow patients to intuitively and comprehensively understand the stains, plaque, tartar and gingivitis on the surface of their oral teeth, which are dental diseases and tooth defects that they cannot usually see. In addition, these images can also be stored in the patient's database, and together with text, graphics, X-ray images and other information, they form a new generation of electronic medical records, which can be easily accessed and used in consultations, academic reports and other occasions.


In the past, many patients did not understand their own conditions, and would only think of seeking medical treatment when they were in pain or discomfort, or when there were problems in the front teeth that had a great impact on their appearance. When doctors discovered some hidden lesions and pointed them out to patients, they often did not easily understand the severity of the situation. This delayed timely treatment. The emergence of medical intraoral camera has brought a new model for inspection and treatment in this area. When the patient's lesion is displayed in front of the patient, no more description or professional knowledge is needed. The patient can also understand the urgency of treatment. At this time, the doctor can further introduce various possible treatment measures to the patient with the help of clear and intuitive images, so that the patient can make choices based on their own conditions, which greatly improves the patient's desire for treatment and participation.


Hospitals and outpatient clinics are very interested in this kind of medical intraoral camera, including some commercial reasons. The intraoral camera plays the role of "inspiring consumption" and makes patients more willing to accept treatment. Second, the intraoral camera can record the details before treatment. If a medical dispute occurs after irreversible treatment, the images captured by the intraoral camera and stored in the patient database can be used as important evidence to protect the fair rights of both doctors and patients. Provide patients with better quality services.

Normal value


The normal oral cavity is flat, smooth, and smooth, and the oral mucosa is pink.



Clinical significance


Intraoral cameras have been rapidly popularized and widely used in oral clinical medicine. The intraoral camera inserts the observation probe into the oral cavity. Under the illumination of the self-provided light source, the imaging lens captures the details of the teeth, and the image is formed on the COMS or CCD image sensor. After photoelectric conversion and image signal processing, it is sent to the display to display a clear and enlarged image for the doctor to observe.


With the help of clear and intuitive images, the doctor can further discover the patient's oral lesions and take various treatment measures in time. Abnormal results: abnormal signs caused by diseases, such as redness, swelling, blisters, ulcers or spots on the oral mucosa.People who need to be examined: Oral color, pain, ulceration, odor, etc.



Examination process


1. After the doctor adjusts the treatment chair, the patient lies on his back with his head parallel to the doctor's elbow.


2. When the doctor examines the maxillary teeth, the patient's occlusal plane is at an angle of 45°~90° to the ground. When examining the mandibular teeth, the occlusal plane is as parallel to the ground as possible.


3. The doctor holds the operating part of the intraoral camera and puts the intraoral camera into the mouth under direct vision. Patients should keep their mouths open and try to breathe through their noses to reduce the mist on the mirror.



Discomfort reaction


When the oral cavity is examined by intraoral camera, patients may experience discomfort in the temporomandibular joint due to long-term mouth opening. If the discomfort is unbearable, they can use gestures to signal the doctor to close their mouths and rest, and then examine again after the symptoms are relieved.



Indicating abnormal results


Tooth caries


Abnormal result description: Under the intraoral camera, the ink-like color change of the teeth and the substantial defects of the tooth tissue can be clearly seen, as well as the tooth tissue and food debris filled with infected demineralized tooth tissue in the caries cavity.

Tooth cracks


Abnormal result description: Hidden cracks can be seen under the intraoral camera. The fiber optic probe of the intraoral camera is used as a point light source to be placed on the tooth surface for transillumination. The light can be refracted at the crack line, and the tooth crack can be diagnosed based on the deviation of the light.


Recurrent aphthous ulcers


Abnormal result description: Under the intraoral camera, the mucosal surface tissue is red, swollen and slightly raised, the base is hard, and there is gray-yellow mucosa or gray-white necrotic tissue on the surface.


Oral lichen planus


Description of abnormal results: Most of the lesions under the intraoral camera are symmetrical, and the lines composed of millet-sized white or grayish-white papules form reticular lesions, with no clear boundary between the normal mucosa. The white lines and the surrounding areas may be normal mucosa or have congestion, erosion or even ulcers.





1. The handle line is the most likely to cause problems when using an intraoral camera, because when shooting, the camera handle is generally operated horizontally, and the handle line and the handle interface are most likely to loosen, resulting in poor contact.


2. The intraoral camera handle must be covered with a disposable sheath. Prevents mutual infection between patients and protects the intraoral camera.


3. Do not wipe the handle with alcohol or other items without a sheath to prevent stolen goods from clogging the camera lens.


4. When the intraoral camera is not in use, the handle light can be turned off. Generally, the light can be turned off by operating the handle button. High-end intraoral cameras are also equipped with a magnetic switch. As long as the handle on the card holder is pressed down, the light can be turned off, but the stored pictures are not deleted. When the intraoral camera is not in use, the power supply needs to be completely turned off. This is to prevent the freezer from heating up and causing damage to the original parts.


5. The display of the intraoral camera should be protected from scratches or corrosion by the medicine, and the power supply should be turned off in time when it is not in use.

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